1444 Queen Street East, Suite 102, Toronto, ON M4L 1E1
+1 416-406-5959

Starting an Archaeology Career in Ontario

What Education Do I Need to Pursue a Career of Archaeology in Ontario?

A career in archaeology starts with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in archaeology. Some universities offer programs specifically in archaeology, while others include archaeology within an anthropology program. A list of Ontario universities with archaeology programs is available here.

More and more Ontario archaeologists also have a graduate degree (Master of Arts; MA). This is because Ontario has a licensing system, managed by the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS). A BA is required for an Applied Research Licence which allows you to act as a Field Director, but an MA is a requirement for the next level up: the Professional Licence.

The MTCS provides another option for a career in archaeology without the education requirements via the Avocational Licence. A holder of this licence is expected to be mentored by a licenced archaeologist and learn on the job, and, after five years, can then apply for the Applied Research Licence. Remember, however, that a Professional Licence applicant much have a graduate degree to qualify.

The specific requirements and benefits of each type of licence can be found here.

Inquiries about educational qualifications for licences should be directed to the MTCS:

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Archaeology Programs Unit
email: archaeology@ontario.ca

How Do I Get Archaeological Experience?

Archaeological Field Schools
Many universities with a program in archaeology offer a course in field methods. Often these courses take place during the summer semester. There are field schools in Ontario and abroad. A list of field schools can be found here.

Volunteer Opportunities
Public Archaeology Digs are types of digs are designed to take volunteers. Keeps you eyes open; these opportunities will be posted on the OAS website and/or Facebook page.
Museums may also take volunteers to help with collections.

Join your local OAS chapter
Your local OAS chapter is a great place to learn of opportunities spread by word of mouth and get involved in the local archaeology community; however, remember that just becoming a member does not count as experience.