Keep up with the Ontario Archaeological Society by becoming a member and receive Arch Notes, our quarterly newsletter! Every issue consists of our president’s message, an update on what the organization is up to, and articles on various archaeological discoveries and discussions. Arch Notes is edited by Sarah Timmins and Tiziana Gallo and is provided to members before it becomes accessible to the public.
The recent issue of Arch Notes is Volume 29, Issue 1.
This issue represents introduces the OAS’s new executive committee members, discusses the use of corn in Wyandot/Wendat names, and includes updates from the Member Services Director and Executive Director.
Submission Guidelines:
The deadlines for submissions are: Feb. 15, May 15, Aug. 15, and Nov. 15. Submissions should be submitted electronically, in any word processing format, with as little formatting as possible. Citation style should follow the same format as that used for Ontario Archaeology (see this document). Illustrations should be submitted as separate files (.jpg, .tif), at a minimum of 300 dpi. Please submit illustrations as separate files: do not embed them in the text. Illustrations and tables should be accompanied by captions. Captions should include the name of photographer or artist. Authors should ensure that they have copyright of illustrations. Photographers have copyright of their own photographs.
Submissions to Arch Notes should be directed to the editor:
Retrievable issues from 1956 to the present are available below