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Special volumes of OA that have appeared:
OA83/84 | 2007 | Exploring Best Practices in Historical Archaeology |
OA79/80 | 2005 | Native Symbolic Expression Around the Great Lakes and Beyond |
OA77/78 | 2004 | An Archaeological Generation: A Celebration of the Career of Dr. Marti Latta |
OA76 | 2003 | Fields of Fire: Fortified Works of Kingston Harbour |
OA73 | 2002 | The Woodlands Revisited and Building Bridges |
OA69 | 2000 | Studies in Canadian Zooarchaeology: Papers in Honour of Howard G. Savage |
OA65/66 | 1998 | The Archaeology of the Parsons Site: a Fifty Year Perspective |
OA64 | 1997 | An Ian Kenyon Memorial Volume |