Is the Warminster Site Champlain’s Cahiagué?
Volume: OA45
Year: 1986
Page Range: 3 – 7
Abstract: The association of the Huron Arendarhonon Warminster site with Champlain’s Cahiagué is one of Ontario archaeology’s most venerated sacred cows. A re-evaluation of the archaeological and historical evidence indicates that the initial suggestion of such a relationship was premature and subsequent support of it unfounded.
The Mackenzie Site Human Skeletal Material
Volume: OA45
Year: 1986
Author: SAUNDERS, S. R.
Page Range: 9 – 26
Abstract: Human bones were recovered on four separate occasions from the Mackenzie Site during the period 1963-1982. Although two infant burials come from a house floor, all others were found in a sandy knoll northeast of the village. These are primary and secondary burials of individuals, not a mixed ossuary bone assemblage. The collection represents a minimum of 18 persons of both sexes and all ages. Detailed descriptions of a variety of intra-individual skeletal age indicators such as dental calcification stages may be useful for developing age standards for Ontario Iroquois. Patterns of dental pathology are comparable to other synchronic Late Ontario Iroquois samples. Similarities to certain Neutral burial practices are noted.
Late Middleport Catchment Areas and the Slack-Caswell Example
Volume: OA45
Year: 1986
Author: JAMIESON, S. M.
Page Range: 27 – 38
Abstract: A flexible, generalized catchment model is constructed as an initial step towards the prediction of riverine-oriented Late Middleport site locations. This model describes site catchment areas as ovals comprised of (1) arable/potentially arable light-textured soils, (2) marsh, creek/river, and alluvium, and (3) heavy-textured soils. Catchment areas are oriented along drainage systems. Applied against detailed data from the circa AD 1380 Slack-Caswell hamlet, the model fits as well as can be expected given current knowledge. Before truly accurate locational predictions can be made, however, we must know more about man-man and man-land relationships of the Late Middleport period.
Post-Glacial Lake Nipissing Waterworn Assemblages from the Southeastern Huron Basin Area
Volume: OA45
Year: 1986
Author: ELLIS, C. J., & D. B. DELLER
Page Range: 39 – 60
Abstract: Artifacts from eight locations in the Thedford embayment area have been modified by the post-glacial waters of the Lake Nipissing phase prior to about 4000 to 4500 years ago. The location of these sites relative to other inferred pre-Nipissing strandlines in the region and detailed external artifact comparisons provide new information on the age and sequence of early preceramic occupations in the lower Great Lakes.