Parker Festooned Pottery at the Lawson Site: Trace-Element Analysis
Volume: OA42
Year: 1984
Page Range: 3 – 11
Abstract: Trace-element analysis clearly distinguishes Iroquoian-style pottery from the proto-Neutral Lawson site, in Middlesex County, Ontario, from Parker Festooned sherds from the Parker site, Lambton County, Ontario, which belongs to the Central Algonkian Sandusky Tradition. Parker Festooned sherds from the Lawson site form a third chemical grouping. This suggests that most of this pottery may have been brought to the Lawson site from one or more Sandusky Tradition sites rather than having been made locally by captive Algonkian women.
Was That Middleport Necked or Pound Oblique ? A Study in Iroquoian Ceramic Typology
Volume: OA42
Year: 1984
Author: LENNOX, P., & I. KENYON
Page Range: 13 – 26
Abstract: Difficulties encountered in the classification of a ceramic assemblage from the Late Middleport Wiacek site, Simcoe County, Ontario, indicate inadequacies in the ceramic type definitions for this period, such that various interpretations of the type boundaries have led to the incomparability of data reported by various researchers. Progressive simplification of the type array produces results that are internally consistent and at least as acceptable as more complex analyses.
A History of Archaeology in Northern Ontario to 1983 with Bibliographic Contributions
Volume: OA42
Year: 1984
Author: DAWSON, K. C. A.
Page Range: 27 – 92
Abstract: The sequence and nature of the archaeological history of northern Ontario is arbitrarily divided into three periods: Early, 1850-1940, characterized by nonprofessional activities; Middle, 1941-1966, characterized by increased professional involvement; and Late, 1967-1983, characterized by extensive systematic professional research. The history does not differ from other areas of North America except that scholarly study commenced later in time. Developments in each period are discussed, including work on the extensive pictographic record and late historic period sites, and the bibliographic record cited.