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Ontario Archaeology – OA041, 1984

Research Into the Paleo-Indian Occupations of Ontario: A Review
Volume:  OA41
Year:  1984
Author:  STORCK, P. L.
Page Range:  3 – 28
Abstract:  Research into the Early Paleo-Indian (fluted point) cultures in Ontario has virtually exploded in the past 15 years. Two long-term projects initiated in the early 1970’s and a number of shorter projects conducted over the last seven years have identified several futed point complexes and produced information on lithic technology, community and settlement patterns, the direction and perhaps seasonal aspects of band movements, and ‘special activities’ of possibly a ceremonial nature. Research into Late Paleo-Indian or Plano cultures has continued at a steady pace in northwestern Ontario since the pioneering work of MacNeish in the 1950’s. As a result, a major Late Paleo-Indian manifestation – the Lakehead Complex – has been identified. In southern Ontario, interest in Late Paleo-Indian occupations has increased within the past five to seven years with the discovery of Agate Basin and Hell Gap related material representing population movements ultimately derived from the Plains.

Obsidian Sources in Ontario Prehistory
Volume:  OA41
Year:  1984
Page Range:  29 – 35
Abstract:  Several obsidian artifacts recovered from archaeological sites in northwestern Ontario were subjected to X-ray fluorescence analysis. The results of the analysis indicate that these specimens come from Obsidian Cliff in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, and from a second source which is yet to be identified but is likely located near the Yellowstone source.

Some Woodland Radiocarbon Dates from Northwestern Ontario with Comments on Significance
Volume:  OA41
Year:  1984
Author:  REID, C. S.
Page Range:  37 – 44
Abstract:  The results of 15 radiocarbon analyses from Middle and Late Woodland sites in northwestern Ontario, some previously unpublished, are presented with interpretations. These dates and interpretations summarize all that have been received by the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture since the establishment of a regional archaeological office in northwestern Ontario.

The Zander Site: Paleo-Indian Occupation of the Southern Holland Marsh Region of Ontario
Volume:  OA41
Year:  1984
Author:  STEWART, A.
Page Range:  45 – 79
Abstract:  The Zander site (BaGv-7) is a Paleo-Indian occupation of the main strandline of glacial Lake Algonquin at the south end of the former Schomberg embayment, south of modern Lake Simcoe. Fluted and lanceolate point fragments indicate the site was used during both the Early and Late Paleo-Indian periods. The artifact assemblage, which is diverse in raw materials and numbers of formal tool types, consists of about 200 tools and 2000 pieces of debitage which were recovered from the plough zone in two archaeological areas. A large proportion of basal point fragments in addition to bifaces and end scrapers suggest a hunting camp where the rearmament and maintenance of weapons and the processing of game were important activities throughout the period of Paleo-Indian occupation.