Cummins Site: A Late Palaeo-Indian (Plano) Site at Thunder Bay, Ontario
Volume: OA39
Year: 1983
Author: DAWSON, K. C. A.
Page Range: 3 – 31
Abstract: The paper presents the results of a preliminary investigation of the Cummins site (Dcji-1), an extensive quarry workshop and habitation of the Plano period, circa 7000 BC, located on a glacial beach at Thunder Bay on the north shore of Lake Superior. Test excavations that uncovered debitage concentrations, hearth and pit features are described together with over 2,000 recoveries. Artifacts from the area suggest an occupation extending over several millennia and a gradual change from a specialized to a general hunting, fishing and gathering economy. A cremation yielded the earliest burial date thus far in Ontario of 6530 BC.
Dog Sacrifices Among the Algonkian Indians: An Example from the Frank Bay Site
Volume: OA39
Year: 1983
Page Range: 33 – 40
Abstract: This paper discusses the importance of six dog bundles from the Frank Bay site in Ontario. It is suggested that the dogs were sacrificed during an Algonkian feast around AD 1000.
Historic Neutral Iroquois Faunal Utilization
Volume: OA39
Year: 1983
Author: PREVEC, R., & W. C. NOBLE
Page Range: 41 – 56
Abstract: Analysed faunal material from 6 historic Neutral Iroquois sites, spanning a period of approximately 100 years (AD 1540-1651), is synthesized for the first time. The results provide information not only about the dietary and hunting preferences of the Neutral Iroquois, but also about trade during the 16th and early 17th centuries and the distribution of local species. Faunal differences are also noted between town and village settlements. Furthermore, an artifact classification is offered for worked antler, bone, teeth and shell found on historic Neutral sites. Comparison of the historic Neutral fauna with that from contemporaneous Petun sites reveals significant differences, particularly with reference to the European demand for beaver fur.
Statistical Testing of Surface Collected and Excavated Faunal Samples from the Plater-Martin Site
Volume: OA39
Year: 1983
Page Range: 57 – 64
Abstract: Three faunal samples from the Plater-Martin site (BdHb-1) were compared using the Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient and the Student’s t Test. Two of the samples were surface collected and the third was excavated. As far as the mammalian, avian and reptilian remains were concerned, the surface collected samples compared favourably with the excavated sample. A probable explanation for the poor representation of fish remains in the surface collected samples is the collection technique.