Paleo-Indian Reconnaissance in the Counties of Lambton and Middlesex, Ontario
Volume: OA32
Year: 1979
Author: DELLER, D. B.
Page Range: 3 – 20
Abstract: A report on Paleo-Indian site surveys in southern Ontario presents hypotheses concerning settlement patterns, settlement strategies and the utilization oflithic materials. Reconnaissance techniques are described and the artifact inventories of sixty-four sites and locations are listed. Primarily, the report deals with locations yielding fluted points, but data on Plano and Hi-Lo components are also included.
Additional Paleo-Indian Biface Variability in Northwestern Ontario
Volume: OA32
Year: 1979
Author: ROSS, W. A.
Page Range: 21 – 25
Abstract: Two recently recovered bifaces, which can be assigned to the Paleo-Indian period, are reported from the Thunder Bay area. Their attributes are presented and comparisons are made with other reported Paleo-Indian refined bifaces from the region. The chronological placement of the artifacts is discussed.
A Report on the Human Burial from the Milton-Thomazi Site
Volume: OA32
Year: 1979
Page Range: 27 – 34
Abstract: In the spring of 1977 a well preserved human burial was discovered in Peel Country, Ontario. A radiocarbon date of 5910 ± 165 B.P. places the burial well within the Archaic period and indicates that it is the earliest dated human burial so far discovered in Ontario. The individual was a male over 50 years of age suffering from degenerative arthritis and periodontal disease. Metrics and indices are presented along with a general description of the burial, including evidence of pathology.
Archaic Population Affinities as Determined by Analysis of Cranial Morphology
Volume: OA32
Year: 1979
Author: PFEIFFER, S.
Page Range: 35 – 41
Abstract: Cranial material is analyzed from seven Archaic sites in the Great lakes and maritime regions dating from 5000 to 3400 B.P. Discrete morphological traits are used to arrive at a matrix of mean Measures of Distance. Results are then compared with those of a discriminant function analysis previously performed on the cranial measurements from the same samples It is concluded that Maritime and Laurentian skeletal materials are clearly distinct from one another, and that there are clearly affinities among at least some of the Laurentian and Old Copper samples.
The Hood Site: Longhouse Burials in an Historic Neutral Village
Volume: OA32
Year: 1979
Page Range: 43 – 60
Abstract: Excavations at the historic Neutral Hood Site produced the first discovery of burials within Neutral longhouses, and despite a relatively small sample size, certain inhumation patterns have been interpreted. A dichotomy between temporary and permanent burials has been proposed, based on the location within the longhouse, the presence or absence of grave goods, and the performance of sacrifice and associated ceremonialism. It has been suggested that certain age groups may have been permanently interred within the longhouse reflecting the belief that the souls of both the very young and old remained near the village after death instead of proceeding to the land of the souls. To this group I have added the chronically ill, through the examination of the osteological and archaeological data.
An Analysis of an Historic Huron Attignawantan Lithic Assemblage
Volume: OA32
Year: 1979
Author: FOX, W. A.
Page Range: 61 – 88
Abstract: A collection of stone tools and manufacturing debris from the historic Huron (Attignawantan) Robitaille village site is described and then compared to the proto-historic Maurice village site lithic assemblage. The combined observations are discussed in an attempt to elucidate temporal trends in Attignawantan stone working and lithic artifact imports, as well as the geographic extent of an early 17th century lithic commodity exchange system reflected in the Robitaille village assemblage.