The King’s Forest Park Site
Volume: OA8
Year: 1965
Author: DONALDSON, W. S.
Page Range: 3 – 10
Abstract: Salvaged material from an Iroquoian campsite, probably at the Glen Meyer stage of development, is described from Hamilton, Ontario. The presence of mottled grey chert as the material for the manufacture of artifacts indicates a relationship to the eastern Glen Meyer focus.
A Mill at Sainte Marie I
Volume: OA8
Year: 1965
Author: RUSSELL, W. A.
Page Range: 11 – 17
Abstract: The aqueducts, trenches and basins between the north and south compounds at Sainte Marie I are reconsidered and the alternative explanation of an undershot waterwheel driving a gristmill is offered. The explanation of a canal and lock system for canoes is further discussed and reasons for its abandonment stated.
Iroquoian Development in the Rouge Watershed, Ontario – Part I: The Elliot Site
Volume: OA8
Year: 1965
Author: DONALDSON, W. S.
Page Range: 18 – 38
Abstract: A late Uren Iroquoian settlement in which hunting and fishing and the cultivation of corn and tobacco are evident is described. The site was occupied over a short period of time, including at least some of the summer, was apparently undefended and without a palisade. Pottery was manufactured at the site during its occupation.
Other Ideas on `The Ontario Iroquois Controversy’
Volume: OA8
Year: 1965
Page Range: 39 – 44
Abstract: No abstract