Is Archaeology a Luxury Item?
Volume: OA1 (Series A-1)
Year: 1954
Author: EMERSON, J. N
Page Range: i – v
Abstract: Today in Canada there are more trained and partially trained archaeologists than in any other period of our history. People in all walks of life are becoming rapidly aware of the new and stimulating history lying beneath their feet. The radio, the press, and the lecture platform are making known the new facts. In Ontario the dawn of history has been pushed back 10,000 years. This increase in our time perspective raises problems of profound intellectual and philosophical interest. It suggests that we, as Canadians, might well take stock of our place in the historical scheme of things. Yet, confronted with our virtual ignorance of this 10,000 years, we may well ask ourselves: “Are not such problems, such speculations, but idle luxuries to occupy our leisure moments in a world that is characteristically modern and realistic, too much confronted with Today and Tomorrow, to wonder about Yesterday?”
Castellation Development Among the Iroquois
Volume: OA2 (Series A-2)
Year: 1955
Author: EMERSON, J. N
Page Range: 1 – 14
Abstract: Unavailable
The Boyd Site
Volume: OA4
Year: 1958
Author: SWEETMAN, P. W.
Page Range: 1 – 3
Abstract: This brief report will attempt to summarize the results of a three-day investigation of an aboriginal site on the Boyd property near Woodbridge. It is in no aspect a detailed or complete report, but presents a generalized statement of the work done by The Ontario Archaeological Society during May 18th, 19th, and 20th of this year. Since the area under consideration is soon to become a public park the urgency of the investigation made haste imperative. Fortunately the site is a small one and the task of salvage much simpler than it would have been on a larger one. Inclement weather made digging unpleasant, but enthusiasm can overcome even the wettest rainfall and a great quantity of artifactual evidence was recovered.
The Squire Site, Consecon
Volume: OA4
Year: 1958
Author: SQUIRE, B. P.
Page Range: 4 – 17
Abstract: No Abstract
The Boys and Barrie Sites
Volume: OA4
Year: 1958
Author: RIDLEY, F.
Page Range: 18 – 42
Abstract: In Ontario, over a considerable period of time, there has appeared on excavated prehistoric sites and in collections of Indian artifacts, a minor quantity of pottery rims that are decorated with exterior extruded bosses or nodes. Such are present in the collections of the Royal Ontario Museum, in Brant House Museum at Burlington, excavated by Wintemberg at the Uren site, by Ridley at the Washburn Island site, by Ritchie at Sugar Island site and by Kidd at the Krieger site. Clarke found a fragment at a site in Algonquin Park and Ridley uncovered a rich stratum of these at Frank Bay on Lake Nipissing. Several years ago J. Pendergast informed this author of the presence of a bossed pottery site situated in the harbour of Kingston, Ontario. Lee, in his survey of southwestern Ontario, found and investigated numerous sites of bossed pottery, and has conducted a major excavation of two.
Appendix (to The Boys and Barrie Sites)
Volume: OA4
Year: 1958
Author: LEE, T. E.
Page Range: 39 – 40
Abstract: Unavailable
Research Guide to Pottery Sequences in Ontario
Volume: OA5 (SeriesA-4)
Year: 1958
Author: DONALDSON, W. S.
Page Range: 1 – 7
Abstract: The following simplified outline on Pottery development in Ontario was prepared primarily for our newer members. As with most simplification, the “error -by-omission” is formidable. I t is meant only as an appetizer for the publications listed in the reference guide, and we hope that it achieves this purpose.