2024 Annual Symposium
of the
Ontario Archaeological Society
The call for sessions, papers, and posters is now open! Given the location of the OAS Symposium this year in Thunder Bay on Lake Superior, we encourage you to submit session and paper/poster abstracts that reflect on this year’s theme “Gathering Around Gichigami (Lake Superior): Archaeology Beyond Borders”. This theme describes our wish for collaboration and sharing information between archaeologists and Indigenous or other Descendants across the broader landscape and beyond the modern colonial borders that often separate us, our ideas, and relationships. We welcome archaeologists and interested individuals from adjacent places beyond ‘borders’ of what we now call Ontario including Manitoba, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. People will bring their diverse perspectives and various archaeological backgrounds to explore the collaborative nature of archaeology to share knowledge and information. We also encourage sessions in Ontario archaeology as is traditional at the OAS symposium.
Call for Session Proposals:
Please consider organizing a session at the upcoming symposium. Participants wishing to organize one should submit the following:
- A title and abstract of no more than 300 words
- Session organizer names, their affiliations, and emails in the submission
- Estimated length of the session (based on 20-minute time slots per paper)
- A list of potential participants if known
Please note: We may not be able to accept all session abstracts due to limited time and space but we will try to make sure everyone can participate.
Session proposals must be received no later than midnight (EST) on September 15.
Call for Paper and Poster Abstracts:
Please consider submitting a paper or poster for the symposium. Participants wishing to submit a paper or poster please email the following:
- A title and abstract of no more than 200 words
- Your name, affiliation, and email address in the submission
Posters should be no larger than 92 cm (3 feet) tall x 122 cm (4 feet) wide, due to the poster boards we are using for displaying (but contact us if you want to propose something different).
We encourage all student participation and there will be the OAS annual student poster and paper competition! Please indicate if you are a student and want to be in the competition.
Individual contributors may indicate a preferred session when submitting. If you do not specify a session, the symposium committee will allocate your paper to an existing one (with the approval of the organizers) or to a general session. Please bear in mind that we will need to fit the presenters into a fairly compact program over a few days.
Session proposals must be received no later than midnight (EST) on September 15 and paper/poster abstracts by midnight on September 30. Please send all submissions to oas-symposium@ontarioarchaeology.org.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Thunder Bay!
The 2024 OAS Symposium Committee Co-Chairs:
Clarence Surette (President of the Thunder Bay Chapter of the OAS)
Jill Taylor-Hollings (President of the OAS)