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Ontario Archaeology – OA037, 1982

The Parkhill Complex and Eastern Great Lakes Paleo Indian
Volume:  OA37
Year:  1982
Author:  ROOSA, W. B., & D. B. DELLER
Page Range:  3 – 15
Abstract:  The Parkhill complex is one of several fluted point complexes in the eastern Great Lakes area. Diagnostic Parkhill complex artifacts include Barnes fluted points and knives.  A sequence for the manufacture, use and reuse of the various subtypes of Barnes points and knives is suggested. Finds at the Parkhill site are summarized. The relationship of the type site with other Parkhill complex sites is briefly examined.

Human Skeletal Remains from Plum Point and Bio-Temporal Identification in Ontario Prehistory
Volume:  OA37
Year:  1982
Author:  CYBULSKI, J. S.
Page Range:  17 – 28
Abstract:  Two individuals, one represented by a skull, a mandible, and some postcranial parts, the other by fragmentary jaws and teeth, were collected around the turn of the century from a site on the Lower Rideau Lake in eastern Ontario and stored in the Perth Museum. Artifacts in the museum suggested a late Initial Woodland Period temporal affiliation but original documents did not indicate that the artifacts were actually collected with the bones. Osteological tests based on comparative cranial morphology and dental pathology tend to support the temporal assignment suggested by the artifacts. The tests are founded on earlier perceived morphological dichotomies between Initial Woodland and later populations of Ontario and on an apparent pattern of seriation in the incidence of dental caries related to temporal change in these populations from a subsistence based on hunting and gathering to one based on agriculture.

The Clans and Phratries of the Huron
Volume:  OA37
Year:  1982
Author:  STECKLEY, J.
Page Range:  29 – 34
Abstract:  An entry from a mid-17th century French-Huron-Onondaga dictionary is used as the basis for asserting that there were eight clans of the Huron at the time of early contact. When that entry is compared with an 18th century Wyandot document, it is also suggested that the Huron had three phratries at that time.

Gunspalls from the Hudson’s Bay Company New Severn Post (1685-1690)
Volume:  OA37
Year:  1982
Page Range:  35 – 40
Abstract:  As analysis of the gunspalls from the New Severn post and period documentation indicates a French origin for these early Hudson’s Bay Company gunflints.

Holocene Environment of a Fossil Bison from Kenora, Ontario
Volume:  OA37
Year:  1982
Author:  McANDREWS, J. H.
Page Range:  41 – 51
Abstract:  Sediment found within a buried bison skull has been radiocarbon dated at 4,850 ± 60 years B.P. Pollen and plant macrofossil analysis shows that the animal died in a shallow pond surrounded by a pine-poplar woodland. A dated pollen diagram from nearby Hayes Lake shows this Hypsithermal woodland habitat to have existed from 9,200 to 3,600 years B.P. Although no artifacts were found with the skull or skeleton it is possible that bison was a prey animal of the late Paleo-Indian and Archaic people of northwestern Ontario.