The Dragon Sideplate: Its Origins, Variations and Chronologies on Fur Trade Sites
Volume: OA30
Year: 1978
Author: REID, C. S.
Page Range: 3 – 15
Abstract: Three dragon sideplates from the Ash Rapids sites (DjKq-4, DjKq-5) on Lake of the Woods, together with a number of specimens from other Northern Ontario locations, are illustrated and compared to each other and to published data on dragon sideplates. The function, origins, variability and known chronologies of this type of sideplate are discussed, and the possibilities for using these artifacts as chronological aids in the analysis of contact and historic site materials are examined.
Ethnohistory and Archaeology
Volume: OA30
Year: 1978
Author: TRIGGER, B. G.
Page Range: 17 – 24
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to consider what ethnohistory is and what its future role may be, particularly in relationship to archaeology. There is no better way to begin than by examining the origin and early development of ethnohistory.
The Coates Creek Site: A Possible Late Paleo-Indian- Early-Archaic Site in Simcoe County, Ontario
Volume: OA30
Year: 1978
Author: STORCK, P. L.
Page Range: 25 – 46
Abstract: The Coates Creek site is a small hunting station situated on an abandoned strandline tentatively identified with Lake Ardtrea, the first of the so-called ‘upper group’ of post-Algonquin beaches. One side-notched projectile point appears to have a combination of Paleo-Indian and Archaic or later attributes. This, together with two lanceolate projectile point bases and three flake gravers, suggests that the site may have been occupied by peoples with both late Paleo-Indian and Early Archaic cultural affiliations.
The Mound Island Site: A Multi-Component Woodland Period Habitation Site in Northwestern Ontario
Volume: OA30
Year: 1978
Author: DAWSON, K. C. A.
Page Range: 47 – 66
Abstract: This report describes and analyses the recoveries from an exploratory examination of a multi-component Woodland period site located in the transitional forest some 40 miles west of Thunder Bay in Northwestern Ontario. The site was occupied in the late Initial Woodland period (circa A.D. 600 to A.D. 800) by carriers of the Laurel culture, then abandoned until about A.D. 1100 when it was again occupied for a short time in the Terminal Woodland period by carriers of the Algonkian culture. The latter occupants appear to be a grouping of the same people who in the historic period occupied the Nyman site on the north shore of Lake Superior.